He began having breathing troubles. They knew he had the potential to develop a blood clot after all he went through and since he can't get up or move or anything they were watching for it. They found the clot in his leg yesterday. He is on oxygen right now and having pain and trouble breathing. Well they started him on some meds to break up that clot and thin out the blood but it managed to move to his lung anyway.
Right now my dad is being wheeled away for surgery. He has fluid in his lungs and that clot. It will be a 1 1/2 hours surgery. Gabbi is sick and I woke up not feeling great. I could use some good vibes folks. I want my dad to see me become a nurse someday. I get so worried that it might not happen.
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7 months ago
Damn. Well good JuJu for your Dad. We'll be pulling for him.
i'll send my good thoughts and prayers your way.
oh man hun. I am hoping for the best today. Seriously - I hope he gets to see you reach your goal. Every parent wants to be there for that.
I have been through the blood clot thing. It's scary but hang in there. The medicine works great.
You are in my thoughts.
I know what you're going through.. Just keep positive thoughts and know we're all sending in prayers for your Dad..
sending prayers and healing thoughts!
totally sending feel better vibes your way. Still praying for your father and your family luv.
Sending my prayers and warm thoughts your way. Hugs
Sure hope your dad is improving...
I pray he does well and recovers quickly.
Best wishes to him. And ditto to what jam said.
Definitely sending good vibes, healing prayers, and of course, a huge hug.
Much love!
Sending prayers for your dad.
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