kZaMSEs8bhox1qeqgumRFj9Lymo Nothing Off Limits: Photo Contest!!!


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Monday, February 6, 2012

Photo Contest!!!

Win a teeth whitening or a grand prize of a professional teeth whitening session in NYC for busy moms who need a get-away and a beauty pick-me-up. I entered Gabbi. Please go here and vote for her picture:

While you are there enter your picture too! Who makes you smile?? Upload the picture and then just try to earn the votes. It's a lot of fun. I never seem to get a lot of votes in these things but I'm trying so share the link, spread the word and enter the contest too! We could all use a little beauty pick-me-up right? I know I can!


Sandee said...

She's a cutie pie and I voted for her. Excellent photograph.

Have a terrific day Sandi. :)


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