Yes I have been pretty busy lately with school, but I refuse to make one of those posts about how I haven't had time to post lately because I have been so busy. I won't explain to you that I have had test after test and "proficiencies" to do (which is performing something I learned while a teacher watches and waits for me to screw up).
No I won't do that. I'll just tell you that I am doing well and almost DONE with my first semester of nursing school. I can't believe it at all by the way. I didn't have any summer classes so I am free! Yes I'll be back around here irritating you all as usual.
So, this weekend is my friend Christy's birthday. We are having a girl's night out. I think some pics could be in order. Maybe I'll manage to get some video too. We know how to have a good time and I can't wait. I really need a day to just relax and not worry about anything!

Follow Me on Twitter!! sandilynn1975
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I Won't Do It!!!!
Posted by Sandi at 1:59 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
Dedicating This Post to Kodi
Thinking a lot about an online friend today. So sad. Read her story by clicking the picture above. This woman lost custody of her daughter due to vicious lies told by her ex. She was threatened through e-mail yesterday around 3:00 p.m. She posted a comment about how if "anything happened to her in the next few days" we would know what happened. She was afraid of her ex. The courts had given her daughter to this man. She had little visitation and became very depressed. She was fighting and raising money to go to court. Last night about 5 hours after the threatening e-mail Kodi passed away. It is believed she took her own life, however I find the circumstances VERY suspicious. Read her story and show her family some support during this unbelievably hard time.
Posted by Sandi at 4:58 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Been a Busy Month
Is it April already? Insanity. I am telling you this semester at school has been so hard and so busy that I barely realized I was half done. I will finish my first semester around the end of May. I am not sure of the exact date but I was thinking something like May 17 or so. I cannot believe how fast time has flown.
This past week I had my very first patient. Ironically it was a lymphoma patient. That's about all I can say, but that is the cancer I had. Mine was a different kind of lymphoma but boy can I relate to my patient you know? I was glad for the experience, learned from my inadequacies and complimented by the fact that the patient wished I was there all the time!!
Other than that I have been studying, writing papers, doing tests, etc. I do like to get out to relax on the weekends. It's hard to do with the amount of homework I have. But yes I am getting out tonight. I am going to see a band that my hubby's got a friend from work in. We'll see how good they are. I won't know anyone there which kind of dampens the excitement a bit for me. Nothing like going out with my girls. My friend is having a girl's night out birthday party this month. I want to go. Think I am too. We'll see. Last year's girls night out was a TON of fun!
Have a great Saturday everyone!
Posted by Sandi at 12:24 PM 2 comments